Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

Nancy Achin's Survival Story

By Joshua M. Sklare

Published 2019, 196 Pages

Client: Nancy Achin

Born January 20,1959, in Lowell, MA Died February 25, 2022, in Andover, MA

Industry: Retail and Public Sector Service

Nancy grew up with an alcoholic father and was stricken with her first bout of cancer at 14. She graduated from Harvard in 1981, and went to work for the legendary retailer Filene’s, where she became the youngest Vice President. She then left Filene’s to become the executive director of the Girl’s Club of Lowell, Massachusetts. She won a Massachusetts senate seat in 1991, but retired after one term due to her cancer treatments. She then served for nearly ten years as the executive director of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine. Her life’s work was helping and inspiring others.

Comebacks are famous in politics, but some things are tough to come back from. Paul Sheehy made his by working in the congressional offices. In 1984, he ran for state senate. He won and won again, and then won yet again when 1990 rolled around. But now he faced a thirty-one-year-old challenger, Nancy Achin, and was none too thrilled. Perhaps it was mere hubris, perhaps it had something to do with his comeback, but he did not take the challenge seriously at first. Facing off against a tall blonde woman, twenty-five years his junior, he referred to her appearance in less than flattering terms. The whole idea of running against Nancy was simply beneath him. As she assembled her staff of volunteers, Nancy made one demand that was not up for negotiation. No one would mention Senator Sheehy’s felony conviction, not even in passing. She explained that Sheehy had paid his debt to society. Having served his time, he deserved a second chance. And he had a family to boot. Nancy did not want to put them through the pain of a public airing of his past indiscretions. Her emphasis would be on the issues. Though certainly high-minded, Nancy would not have hesitated to fight back if Sheehy decided to take on her character. Having volunteered on many campaigns, she knew from experience how deadly such personal attacks can be. She wanted to run on the issues but, if Sheehy were going to get dirty and attack her, she would fight back—and she had plenty of ammunition to get the job done.